Stambaugh Chorus along with the Chancel Choir of Westminster presents a concert titled “Singing with the Spirit”
Sunday November 2, 2014 at 4:00pm
Westminster Presbyterian Church
119 Stadium Drive, Boardman
Admission Donation: free will offering
Stambaugh Chorus along with the Chancel Choir of Westminster will present a concert titled Singing with the Spirit on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 4:00pm at the Westminster Presbyterian Church at 119 Stadium Drive, Boardman. The concert will be under the direction of Dr Hae-Jong Lee, with Kathy Miller as the accompanist. Works by Handel, Mozart and Rutter will be performed along with the following selections: Prayer of St. Francis / I Will Sing with a Spirit / Prayer of the Children / Gloria (Mozart) / I Have Had Singing / The Awakening / We Rise Again / May the Lord Bless You and Keep You and several holiday songs. More information can be obtained by calling 330-727-4502 or at