Stambaugh Chorus would like to thank the community members, businesses and members of the chorus who have supported the chorus through generous donations over the last year. If we have left anyone off the list our sincerest apologies, without your support we could not bring the gift of music to the community.
Alexander Steeb
Amazon Smile
America Makes
Anna Anderson
Barrel 33
Beaver Township
Benevity Comunity Impact Fund-UnitedHealth Group
Beverly Lawrence
Bev Monroe
Bev Ulrich
Billie Neuman
Brad and Becky Bickel
Buffalo Wild Wings
Carfaro Foundation
Candice Orr
Carole McNinch
Charlotte and JamesĀ Floyd
Christina Bendel
Cynthia Foust
David Smith
Dorothy Dalrymple
Genevieve Germaniuk
First Presbyterian Church, Columbiana
Hae-Jong Lee
Jason Volovar
Jeff Hendrickson
Jill McBride
Joyce Hamilton
Judy Collion
Julia Catchpole
Kathy Stewarr
Knightline Embroidery and Screen Print
Kravitz Deli
Linda Sproul
Lloyd Miller
Margaret Lorimer
Marie Woloszyn
Michael Gelfand
Monica Latsko
Morris “Bud” Pulliam
Nancy Beeghly
Nikki Latsko
Ohio Arts Council
Pamela Garver
Patricia Brown
Paula Franklin
Petrosky Realty
Ray Wagner
Rebecca Bradley
Rose Whitlinger
Rosie Hooks
7 Bobs Boosters
Sarah Ferguson
Sarah Webster Vodrey
Stambaugh Auditorium
Sharin Gray
Terri Crabbs
Tim Kubli
University Music Service
Veronica Asay